Exploring the fascinating world of plants

Plants not only sustain life around us, but create interest, experience and habitat.

My experience as a Landscape Designer has opened my eyes to the ability of plants to transform environments- residential, commercial, or natural landscapes.

This blog focuses on plants for the California region and overall West Coast, but also, best practices, placemaking and planting design tips that can be applied to any region.

Landscape Designer + Plant Love

For the past seven years I’ve worked on residential and commercial landscape projects throughout California, as well as the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona. I became fascinated with plant varieties and my specialty became planting design for Southern Californian sites.

Not all landscape architects/ designers like planting design. Odd, right? It’s always been my favorite part of a project. No matter how big or small a site is, plants have the ability to transform space. Plants also have the ability to create place. Placemaking is a big buzzword in design these days, but what can possibly reflect your location and create an experience better than plants?

*Note, that the majority of my experience is in California, USDA hardiness zone 9/ Sunset Zones 22-24. Always check your UDSA hardiness zone and or Sunset Zone before considering plants.